Est. 2020 | 20+ Initiatives Launched | Thousands of Lives Positively Impacted | Much more L.O.V.E to spread |

Est. 2020 | 20+ Initiatives Launched | Thousands of Lives Positively Impacted | Much more L.O.V.E to spread |

The L.O.V.E. Community’s vision to create a self-sufficient community that thrives is a marathon we proudly run every year. Checkout our Tribe and the deep roots they are sowing within the Community, by being the change they wish to see.

Current Initiatives


Current Initiatives |

Check Out Our Previous Initiatives!


Check Out Our Previous Initiatives! |

“Taking initiative is a form of self-empowerment.” - Stephen Covey

Actively become the change you wish to see within your community. Your thoughts, faith & actions produce tangible results. Let’s manifest a brighter tomorrow for our communities, together.